It’s been in the pipeline for sometime – Apple has grown enormously over the last few years and there is an amazing story behind it. Steve Jobs’ story. The surprise success of The Social Network has made it clear to Hollywood that biopics sell!


Elysium Magazine has been expecting an announcement for sometime but we were very surprised to read no other than Ashton Kutcher would be playing Steve Jobs!


We saw that a few Steve Jobs fans were insulted by the casting, sharing their frustrations on Twitter. Demi was probably please with a few of the comments….


While Kutcher is not the first person you would pick to play the inspirational technology leader, we think it’s a bit of casting genius. OK, OK we hear you but give us a minute – although Kutcher is known for comedies such as Two and A Half Men, and some fair random rom-coms, the movie is set to follow Jobs right from his hippie period all the way to his death.



Kutcher rocked that hippie look well in That 70s Show, given he would be playing Jobs in his younger days we can see a resemblance.


We think Kutcher could pull off a great younger version of Jobs, the similarity in looks is pretty good too! Will Kutcher be able to change the party loving hippie to the king of Silicon Valley? Only time will tell.


What do you think of the casting? A spot of genius or a big mistake? Let us know on Twiiter.